At MCN, we identify worship as: “Engaging with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit through intentional acts of reverence, adoration and devotion.”
In order to accomplish that objective, we design our Worship Services and Group Meetings to help people attain that objective. At MCN we create an atmosphere of worship through the music we sing, the Scriptures we study, the prayers we offer, the offerings we give and the community we build.
Our prayer for everyone who attends MCN is that people will experience the Lord’s presence as we worship Him together in spirit and in truth and seek His will for our lives.

 Worship Information

What should I expect?
A family worship experience for all ages. Everyone prays and worships together through music and offering. After the music, children are dismissed to Kid’s Church while adults learn from Pastor Steve.
When & where do you meet?
Sunday Mornings at 10:45am.
Everyone is welcome to come at 9:30am for Bible Study & 10:30am for Cookies & Fellowship.
This service meets at MCN (3031 Kimball Ave.)